Calendar: 1871-1872 Page 493
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inglis scholarships 493 By what successive ministers was Charles II governed 6- Of what elements was the Country party composed From what causes did panic fear of Popery spring up and how was it employed hy political and religious parties and persons for their own selfish intersts Enumerate the plots of the time and their real or supposed actors State the purposes of the Exclusion Bill and the conduct of Charles II in regard to it 10 By what acts did James II alienate the affections of the nation 11 Upon what principles did Parliament proclaim the vacancy of the throne and the right of the nation to proceed to new election 12 What efforts did it make to guard the principle of heredi- tary succession II -9ge of Horn fW Write an Essay on the condition of France when Louis XIV ascended the throne-the great objects of his policy-and its results -The writer is to confine his attention strictly to these three topics III -iHilton's Para&iSt EosSt critique on Milton's Paradise Lost pointing out The time when it was composed and the circumstances of the poet's life Its general object The observations it affords of the poet's experience Its merits and defects
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