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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-492

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492 INGLIS SCHOLARSHIPS IX £ccle Siasittcal fttdtorp Give some account of St Columba What is "The Book of Deer" Sketch the history of Church government in Scotland from the beginning of the Reformation to the death of James VI Compare the system of the Independents with that of the Presbyterians What was the scheme of reduced Episcopacy proposed by Archbishop Ussher Give some account of the condition of the Anglican Church under the Commonwealth What were the principal changes introduced into the Prayer-book at the last revision What was the origin of the Latitudinarian party in the Church How were its opinions afterwards modified What were James II 's chief acts of aggression on the Church What were the points known among the Nonjurors by the name of "Usages" Who were their chief assertors and opponents III Inglts StfiolarsStps -f fetor of Encjiairt from tije Heart of CijarleS to tlje Eetgn of Queen 9nne What was the general effect upon the nation of Oliver Cromwell's administration What effect did his death produce upon the different parties into which the nation was divided To what circumstances did Monk owe his influence How did he prepare to use it and what were his motives By what circumstances was the Restoration helped forward
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