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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-491

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 491 VIII £cilt ta£itical Kteton mention some of the chief points in the "Dictate" of Gregory VII What opinions have been held as to the origin of tlie document Sketch the character of St Louis What was his Prag- matic Sanction and what was its tendency with regard to the pretensions of the Papacy Give some account of the contest between Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair including the prosecution of Boniface's memory by Philip Give the chief dates connected with the sojourn of the Papacy at Avignon and mention some of its effects Who were the most prominent antipapal writers of the fourteenth century What was the object of Dante's treatise De Monarchia What was the origin of the Great Schism of the West Mention some of the chief peculiarities of Wyclif teaching How are we to understand the sayings that Dominion is founded in gracs and Quod Deus debet obedire diabolo What derivations have been proposed for the word Lollard Draw sketch map of Rome in the middle ages marking the positions of St Peter's the Castle of St Angelo the Colos- seum the Capitol the Aventine St Mary Major St Clement's and the Lateran Translate Hie Magister Joannes Wyclif Evangelium quod Christus contulit clericis et ecclesiae doctoribus ut ipsi laicis et infirmi- oribus personis secundum temporis exigentiam et personarum indigentiam cum mentis eorum esurie dulciter ministrarent trahstulit de Latino in Anglicam linguam non angelicam unde per ipsum fit vulgare et magis apertum laicis et mulieribus legere scientibus quam solet esse clericis admodum litteratis et bene intelligentibus et sic evangelica margarita spargitur et porcis conculcatur ''-Henr de knyghton
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