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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-490

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490 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT VII -9rttilt5 fio Enumerate the various appearances of our Lord after the Resurrection recorded in the New Testament What is the exact meaning of όπτανόμινο αντοις δι ήμερων τεσσεράκονταΊ Note also the various instances of direct reference to the fact of His Resurrection in the Acts of the Apostles Trace the general teaching on the meaning and importance of His Resurrection through the Epistles of St Paul Analyse Cor xv and compare it with the chief forms of philosophical speculation on the subject Show what is revealed and what is concealed in Holy Scrip- ture as to the Last Judgment Infer the true position which it ought practically to hold in Christian teaching Show tbe connection of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit with Natural Theology How far is it brought out in the Old Testament Draw out clearly our Lord's own teaching as to the person- ality of the Holy Ghost Why must we refer almost exclusively to it on such subject How stand the merits of the controversy on the Filioque between tbe Eastern and Western Church How far is the question intrinsically important Give the true meaning of the word "Paraclete and explain from Scripture the relation of the offices of the Son and the Holy Spirit in respect to the means of grace in the Church What is the meaning of the expression He shall convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment In what way has the doctrine of the Holy Trinity been generally set forth in Holy Scripture and in the Primitive Church Explain clearly what is meant by calling it Mystery Explain the difficulties which arise about the use of the words Person and Substance Give the chief heads of the Athanasian Creed on this subject noting any mis-translations in the Creed as we have it 10 AVhat general inference may we draw as to the line which should be adopted in respect of general teaching on this doctrine
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