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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-488

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488 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Liturgical anil omtlcttc Cfycologj What directions have been given at various times in the English Church with regard to the position and decoration of the Lord's Table at the Communion-time What do you know as to the material and position of altars in the early or mediseval Church Give early instances of the presence of several altars in one church and of the use of portable altars What variations have taken place in the rubrics of the Prayer-book with regard to the collection and disposition of alms and other devotions of the people" What with regard to the provision of the elements for Holy Communion In what different senses has the word oblations" been understood When was it introduced into the Church- Militant" prayer Mention the principal component parts of the Canon of the Liturgy State briefly the principal difference between the Canon of the Roman and that of the Gallican Liturgies also between the Roman Canon and the Greek Anaphora How are the forms of words which at present accompany the delivery of the consecrated elements made up Which of the earlier English "Uses" do they most resemble What forms have been used in the delivery of the Eucharist in ancient times What directions are given in the rubrics as to frequency of Communion and the number requisite to communicate with the Priest" In the Holy Communion it shall suffice that the Bread be such as is usual to be eaten what kind of bread has been used in celebrating the Eucharist in ancient or modern times in different branches of the Church And what interpretation has until lately been given to the rubric just quoted Give some hints as to the conducting of short services in other places than the church 10 Write out the heads of sermon on one of the following texts
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