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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-477

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47 EXAMINATION PAPERS ijeologt'cal Department ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Michaelmas Tekm 1870 eneral Scripture faiitoxv Enumerate the historical books of the Old Testament grouping them according to the divisions in the history of the chosen people to which they refer In what relation do the books of the Psalms and Prophets stand to the historical books Sketch briefly and mark the leading characteristics of any two of the following periods The Patriarchal Period The Conquest of Canaan The reigns of David and Solomon The period subsequent to the Captivitv Describe the characters of Gideon Elijah Saul Hezekiah and illustrate your descriptions by references without any con- tinuous narrative to their history "The Law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ Show this in respect of the Moral Civil and Ceremonial elements of the Law
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