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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-474

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schools in union" 473 Bunmofo GTotnmerrial an& Classical sccfjool established 1845 Ηead Master Eden Cockayne Esq The object of this School is to afford on the most reason- able terms superior education for boys intended for the Professions the Civil Service or Mercantile pursuits In addition to Greek Latin Mathematics and the usual English subjects the course of instruction comprehends French Drawing Drilling practical Land Surveying and Levelling The following are the Regulations for Admission Terms &c Pupils are admitted at years of age monthly reports of Progress and Conduct forwarded to parents Periodical Ex- aminations by the College of Preceptors Prizes awarded at the close of the yearly Examination three months' notice is required prior to the removal of Boarder each boy has separate bed The Scholastic Year is divided into Three Terms of about three months each viz -From 25th January to 25th April from 25th April to 25th July from 5th September to 18th December charges For Boarders above 10 years of age £12 per Term under 10 £10 For Day Scholars £i These charges include the whole course of instruction Music One Guinea and Half Washing 15s per Term Arrangements can be made for the reception of Boys from abroad and their residence during the vacations
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