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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-469

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468 SCHOOLS IN UNION In'lologfcal £cf 00I GLOUCESTER PLACE NEW ROAD FOUNDED 1792 Visitor The Lord Bishop of London Head Master Edwin Abbott Esq Assistant Masters William Moore Esq Francis Byrne Esq The Boys educated in this School are of two classes First Foundation Scholars admitted on the foundation of Subscribers at an annual charge of Three Pounds These must be Sons of Clergymen Naval and Military Officers Professional Men Merchants Manufacturers Clerks in Public Offices the higher order of Tradesmen and other persons of an equally respectable class of society whose families have been in better circumstances and are reduced by accident or mis- fortune Secondly Contributory Scholars admitted without presenta- tion at an annual charge of Nine Pounds The course of Education embraces the English Latin Greek French and German Languages Writing Arithmetic Mathematics Geography History Drawing and the ele- ments of Natural Philosophy The School-year is divided into three terms The hours of attendance are in Winter from to 12 and from to during the rest of the year from to 12 and from to Punctuality in attendance at these hours is strictly enforced and every Boy is furnished with daily report of his attendance and conduct which his parent or guardian is expected to sign aud return to the School William Floyd Esq John Dolleymore Esq French Master German Master Drawing Master Mr Jean Poclet Mr Sigismund Koch Mr Charles Armytage
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