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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-464

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Schools received into Union with the Name of the Head Matter and of the Pupil who received in 1871 the King's College Prize which is given annually by the Council to the hest Pujiil of each School Folio Nunie 01' School Head Master Prizemen 464 Kev Guy Poole Frederick John 465 Western Grammar Bromptou Smith Harry Kcell 466 Rev Jackson Craven William David 467 Kensington Proprietary Hev Ackland Pettigrew Wm 468 Philological 248 Man lebone-road Edwin Abbott Esq Bennett William Henry 469 All Souls and St Marylebone District 11 Barford Esq Miles Frederick 470 Stockwell Proprietary Grammar Rev Panderion Kcely Thomas Alex 471 Stepney Proprietary Grammar Rev Perrott 472 W'estbourne Collegiate Pcarse Henry Thomas 473 Dunmow Commercial Η Cockayne Esq Chinnell Frederick 474 St John's College Leighton-cresent Sherrin Esq LL Walker James Edward Note -The folio refers to the page of this Work in which information is given about each of these Schools
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