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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-453

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452 DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS £ Ledum Esq Chad-hill Birmingham 100 Legge Admiral Sir Λ GC Blackheath 100 Leigh the Lord 40 Portman-square 100 Leslie Hon George Waldegrave Harley-street 100 Lilford the Lord 10 Grosvenor-place 100 ipscombe Mrs James-street in right of 100 presented by the Right Rev Bishop Lipscombe deceased Lilllrhates Charles Esq Winchester 260 Long Rev Wm Pulham Norfolk 150 Lonsdale Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Lichfield 130 Lonsdale Rev Lichfield 100 Lothian John William Robert Marquis of 100 ucas Dr Ashfield Torquay 100 Lucas Alderman Harp-lane 110 Π Lunn John Esq Lnimore Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of St Asaph 200 Lnalt Rer Dean of Canterbury 100 Lfon Darid Esq Grosrcnoi-street 100 Mackworth Sir Digby Bart Glen Vsk 100 Majendie Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Bangor 200 Mangles James Esq 110 Manners Thomas Lord 100 Manning Rev Springfield Chelmsford 100 Marsden William Esq Aldenham Herts 125 Marsh Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Peterborough 100 Mau Esq Paper Buildings Temple in right of 110 presented by George Maule Esq deceased Vedlycolt Hon Mrs Northampton 10 β Meyers Rev John 100 Middleton -orge Brodrick Viscount 100 Molesworth Rev Ε Rochdale 100 Monckton Hon Edward 10 Montagu Henry James Lord 100 Montrose James Duke 100 Moore Mrs 13 Earl's-terrace Kensington In right of 100 presen'ed by Mrs Duppa deceased Morrice Rev Longhridge Drverell Warminster in rignt of 100 presented by John Morrice Esq deceased Morris Rev John DD Elstree lil β Murray Rt Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Rochester 100 Nash John Esq 14 Regent-street 100 Natl Rev John Vicar of St Sepulchre's 100 Nelson Rt Hon and Rev the Earl 100 yicholl Rl Hon Sir John 160 N'ormanton the Earl of Seamore-place Curzon-street 100 Karris Rev Η Prebendary of St Paul's Hackney 200 Norris Rev Charles Prebendary of Canterbury 100 Northumberland Hugh Duke of 1100
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