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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-433

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432 NAMES of those formerly HOLDERS OF SHARES in this College wlw with the view of advancing the interests of the Institution have either presented their Shares abso lutely to the Council or who have resigned the pecuniary rights of Shareholders retaining the privileges of Donors of the First Class Store -1 Cambridge tbe Duke of St James' Palace Acland Henry Wentworth Esq Oxford Alexander James Esq Carlton-House-terrace Anderson Rev Kemp-town Brighton Arnott Esq New Burlington Street Astell William Esq Everton House Biggleswade Austen-Leigh Cholmeley Esq New-street-square Aylwin Α Esq 17 Finsbury-square Baxendale Lloyd Esq 31 Brunswick-square Bedwell Philip Esq 103 St John-street Smithfield Bentley William Esq River-terrace City-road Beresford-Hope Esq Connaught-place Bicknell Henry Esq Grocers' Hall Bland the Ven Archdeacon Eglingham Alnwick Bland Michael Esq 65 Cambridge-terrace Hyde Park Bolton WUliam Esq Austin-Friars Bostock John Ashton Esq St George's Barracks Bowman William Esq Clifford-street Briscoe Esq 60 Eaton-place Belgrave-square Brodie William Bird Esq Salisbury Bruce Esq Lowndes-street Belgrave-square Budd George Esq 16 Dover Street Burgess Rev James Streatley Reading Buttermer Esq 11 Copthall-court Calthorpe the Lord Grosvenor Square Campbell Rev Archibald Montgomery 13 Sussex-gardens Carnarvon the Earl of Highclerc Newbury Chapman the Right Rev Bishop Eton College Champneys Rev William Weldon Whitechapel Charrington Nicholas Esq Mile-end Cheere Robert Esq 11 King's-Bench-walk Temple
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