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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-416

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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 415 Second Class in Classics Moderations 1866 Sweeting Henry Edward 1870 Freeman ieorge Mallows Garrod Herbert Baring Gristock Alfred Grabham Moore David Hummel Francis Henry Second Class in Mathematics Moderations 1869 Gwilliam George Hsrvey 1870 Hummel Francis Henry 1867 Clifford William Kingdon Fellow of Trinity Lambert Carlton John Fellow of Pembroke Humphreys Henry Fellow of St John's Galliers Thomas Fellow of Caius Watherston Alexander Hall Bremner Henry Hodgson Hall George Thomas Grove AVilliam Henry 1868 Christie William Henry Mahoney Fellow of Trinity 1869 Bodkin Alfred Arthur Drake Charles Bernard 1870 Fawcus John George First Class in Classics 1868 Fynes-Clinton Eustace 1870 Fawcus John George Cambrttfge Wranglers Second Class in Classics 1867 Hall George Thomas First Class in Moral Sciences 1868 Fox Henry
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