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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-377

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37a the school Boys ceasing to be Choral Exhibitioners on account ot losing their Toices are allowed if they have served the office properly for not less than three years to continue in the School on the same terms as actual Exhibitioners Candidates must be under the age of Ten unless they have had the advantage of previous musical training XXIV LITERARY UNION Under the sanction of the Principal and Head Master Society has been formed under this name consisting of all members of the Sixth Class for the discussion of Literary Scientific and Political subjects It is also open to such members of the School as being fifteen years of age shall on ballot obtain three-fourths of the votes of the Society There is an Entrance Fee of 2s 6d and Terminal Subscription of the same amount The Society meets on every Wednesday during Term at 30 XXV ן confirmation The Lord Bishop of London has kindly consented to hold Confirmation of Candidates from the College and School in the College Chapel every year The Confirmation is generally held immediately before Easter The Head Master is anxious to receive at as early period as possible after their joining the School the names of Pupils anxious to become Candidates with view to their being satisfactorily prepared
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