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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-351

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YI -MATHEMATICS-ARITHMETIC The following Is the progressive course of Mathematical and Arithmetical study throughout the School Algebra Euclid Arithmetic VI The whole Trigonometry Differential Calculus and Mechanics Books II III IV VI XI Props 1-21 and De-ductions Conic Sections The 11011 and Mfnsura tion of Solids and t-faces Permutations and Combina-tions Variation Scales of Notation and Progression Elementary Trigonometry Books -VI and Dcduc-tions The whole and Mensura-tion of Solids and Sur-faces UPPER IV Hatio Proportion and Quad-ratic Equations Boks II III IV ami Deductions with Defini-tions and Selected Prupo-sitions of Book Mensuration of Solids ai bat kwork LOWER IV Theory of η dices Binomial Surds and simple Quad-ratic Equations Books II III and Deductions Mensuration of Surfaces Ti'dhunter Exchanges and hackwork UPPER REMOVE Involution Evolution and Theory of Indices Bo ks II and Dcduc-tions Square Root Cube Root Duodecimal Mcnsira-tion of Surfaces to end of -'t in Tod tut liter MIDDLE REMOVE Fractions Simple Equa-tions including Simui-taneous Equations Book with Deductions Stocks Equation of Pay-mt'iits and Partnership
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