Calendar: 1871-1872 Page 283
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Page content
282 evening classes 15 MATHEMATICS -Six Divisions Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to or from 08 or both hours on both evenings by additional payment jJlv ι Differential Calculus Div ii 610 Tuesday Conic Sections Algebra or Plane Trigonometry Div III t0 Tuesday Plane Trigonometry Elementary Friday and Practical Algebra Simple and Quadratic Equations Theory of Indices and Surds Arithmetical Geo- metrical and Harmonical Series Problems ίEuclid 33 to end of Book II Algebra Greatest Common Mea- sure Least Common Multiple Extraction of Square Root Simple Equations of one un- known quantity Easy Problems י ai Algebra Four elementary Rules Div VI to Tuesday nd Fractions Fnday Euclid to 32 books recommended Todhunter's Differential Calculus Todhunter's Analytical Geometry Todhunter's Trigonometry Beasley's Plane Trigonometry Todhunter's Algebra Hall's Algebra Todhunter's Euclid
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