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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-282

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EVENING CLASSES 281 13 ARITHMETIC Two Classes Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment The instruction in Arithmetic comprises First Principles Proportion Practice Fractions Decimals Involution Evolu- tion Interest Stocks Partnership Loss and Gain and Ex- changes The Arbitration of Exchanges is treated by the Chain Rule Leases Annuities Reversions and other subjects connected with Compound Interest are treated by Logarithms In general the attention of each Student is directed first of all to that part of Arithmetic in which he feels his knowledge to be deficient In Book-keeping every Student is taught to journalize post and balance accounts to make trial balances and to close set of Books For this purpose the supposed trans- actions of mercantile house extending over period of three months are given him to copy and make the necessary calculations preparatory to the entry of them in proper manner in the different Books The Students are prepared when necessary for the Civil Service Examinations for Marine Cadetships and for the Entrance Examinations at the Military Colleges of Woolwich Sandhurst and Addiscombe 14 OFFICIAL WRITING Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday JromS to In this Class attention is mainly directed to the styles of official writing approved of by the Civil Service Commis- sioners whilst at the same time Commercial and Law writing Texting Engrossing and Illuminating are specially at- tended to
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