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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-281

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2 SO EVENING CLASSES Soundings Currents-The Gulf Stream-The Atmosphere-Trade Winds and Monsoons-Cli- mate-Contrasts between Tropical and Polar Lands-Extremes of Heat and Cold-Isothermal Lines-Geographical distribution of Active Vol- canoes and Earthquake Regions Influence of Climate upon Vegetable and Animal Life-Geo- graphical distribution of Plants-Botanical and Zoological Regions-Contrasted aspects of the Old and New Worlds Of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres-Agency of Man-Pro- cesses of Change in present operation After Christmas Course of Eight Lectures on British India and the Adjacent Lands Meaning of the term "India" in Ancient Geography -Commercial Intercourse with India in Ancient times-Natural Features of India proper-The Himalaya Mountains-Their Sanitary Influences -The Great Plain of Northern India-Valley of the Ganges The Burampooter Valley The Indus Valley-High Grounds lying south of the Ganges Valley-The Vindhya Mountains and the Plateau of Malwa-the Nerbudda and Tapty Valleys-Peninsular India-The Plateaus of the Oeccan The Nilgherries Regions below the Ghauts-The Malabar and Coromandel Coasts- Ceylon-British Burmah-The Straits Settle- ments-Communication between India and West- era Europe-The Suez Canal book recommended Manual of Geography By Hughes Longman Co
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