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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-280

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EVENING CLASSES books recommended Vergani's Grammar Baretti'sor Millhouse's Dictionary 10 SPANISH Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from 08 and from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Lower Division Reading and correction of Exercises Grammar Spanish Reading Gil Bias Writing Spanish Dialogues from Dictation Upper Division Translation from Don Quixote by Cliarle Jarvis Esq into Spanish Upper Division Writing Commercial Letters from Dictation Spanish Conversation Reading Gil Bias books recommended Trozos Escojidos de 10s mejores hablistas en Prosa Verso por Ochoa Estndios Filologicos par de Morentin McHenry's Grammar and Exercises Neuman and Baretti's Dictionary 11 HEBREW Day and Hours of Attendance Elementary Class Wednesday from to Advanced Class Wednesday from to 12 GEOGRAPHY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Between October and Christmas Course of Ten Lectures on Physical Geography Land and Water-High Land and Low Land-The Mountain and the Desert-The Ocean-Deep-sea
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