Calendar: 1871-1872 Page 185
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184 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 14 Comparative Anatomy and Physiology First Division of the Course -On the forms habits and gene- ral organization of the different classes composing the animal creation Second Division of the Course -Comparative Physiology This division qualifies for examination at the University of London The subject is illustrated by an extensive series of diagrams and by the preparations and specimens contained in the Museums of Anatomy Comparative Anatomy Zoology and Geology belonging to the College 15 Pathological Anatomy This Course consists of Twenty Lectures which are de- livered during the Summer Session The Lectures are illus- trated by diagrams specimens and microscopical preparations Students of the Second Third or Fourth Year attend the Lectures on Morbid Anatomy It is recommended that Students should examine the pathological series in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons with the aid of the catologue as well as the specimens in the King's College Museum 16 Dental Surgery Course of Lectures on Dental Physiology Dental Surgery and Pathology and on Dental Mechanics is given during the Summer Session for those who specially enter for this Course The fee for the Course is Six Guineas or for perpetual admission Eight Guineas Special Certificates of attendance on the Dental Practice of the Hospital will be given on payment of an extra Fee of Five Guineas During the month of March Lectures on the Anatomy of the head and neck will be given by the Professor of Anatomy with special view to the convenience of the Students of Dental Surgery Lectures on Metallurgy with the same object will be given by the Professor of Chemistry during the month of February
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