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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-115

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114 general literature and science The courses will embrace the following subjects unless the instructions issued from time to time by the Civil Service Commissioners should make any changes necessary Sanscrit Language and Reinhold Rost Profe8sor Literature jj 1'J Rev Campbell Professor Arabic Language and 08ס1א ameuney Professor Literature Thomas Howley Professor late Tam" Head Master of the Anelo- lu Vernacular School Ellore Ma- Hindustani dras Presidency Rev Hormazdji Pestonji for- merly Superintendent of Mara- Marathi thi and Gujarati Schools in con- Oujaratl nex on with the Free Church of Scotland in Bombay Professor English and Roman Law and Jurisprudence Hindu and Mahomedan Law Jurisdiction and Proce-1 John Cutler Barrister-at-Law dure of the Indian Law Professor Courts Law of Evidence and Pro- cedure of Law Courts in England Reporting Rev Ε Rogers Tooke Political Economy Professor of Economic Science in King's College London The Courses are divided into Senior for the Candidates selected in 1870 and Junior" for those selected in 1871 The following works by Professor Cutler are published by Messrs Butter- worth Fleet Street and will be found useful to Selected Candidates -"On Reporting Cases for the Indian Civil Service Further Examinations "On the Study of the English Roman Hindu and Mohammedan Legal Systems Is "An Analysis of the Indian Penal Code in the Press Powell's Law of Evidence with the Indian Evidence Act annexed by Cutler and nin Barristers-at-Law
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