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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-112

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Ill XII SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES The following are open to Students of this Department Bant'cll Scholarship This Scholarship has been established in honour of the late Proiessor Daniel and is open to all Students of this Departs ment See page 213 $t JWe&al This Medal is awarded Annually to the Student of the Second or Third Year who shall most distinguish himself at the Midsummer Examinations principal's prt The Rev Alfred Barry Principal gives annually one Prize in books for the best Latin or Greek Verse Composition or Translation This prize is open to all Students of the College whether Matriculated or Occasional not being Associates who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine terms Students of the Evening Classes are subject to special conditions for which see Ev Class Dep Sect XI Subject for 1872 Latin Verse Wordsworth's Laodamia lines 85- 162 The gods to us are merciful unfading bowers Φϊ Ε Classical professors Pri The Professor of Classical Literature gives annually one Prize in books for the best Latin Essay This Prize is open to all Students of this Department not being Associates who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine Terms Subject for 1872 Thucydides et Tacitus inter se comparati
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