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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-100

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general literature and science 99 Freehand Drawing Ornament and ornamental forms in outline also shaded in pencil crayon and sepia from copies Model Drawing from geometric forms without instruments also from casts of ornament in relief natural objects the human figure the antique in pencil crayon and mono- chrome Landscape Drawing -Sketching and painting from copies in pencil sepia water-colour and oil Drawing and Painting from Nature -Flowers and other natural objects still life &c as groups for composition in crayon monochrome water colour and oil colour and as studies of colour IV SPECIAL LECTURES Physical Geography The Lectures on Physical Geography will comprehend description of the natural features of the surface of the globe with their diversities of position climate and relation- ship to the pursuits of commerce and industry in general The phenomena of the Ocean in reference especially to the investigations of recent date into the depth and character of its bed the direction and force of currents &c with those of the Atmosphere in relation to the perennial winds and mon- soons of inter-tropical lands and seas and the conditions that affect respectively the inhabitants of inland or maritime regions will form an important division of the course Finaiiy the geographical distribution of the more important pro- ductions of the natural world mineral vegetable and animal-will be treated of The aim of the entire course will he-the development and illustration of Physical Geography as subject that is closely and vitally connected with the
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