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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-574

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Page content

574 INDEX page Pastoral Theology- Fees SS Hours of Attendance 86 Pathological Anatomy- Lectures 18 Fees 198 Hours of Attendance 200 Photography- Instruction 149 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 158 Physical Laboratory- Instruction 135 Fees 156 Physicians College of 2-i9 Physician's Assistant- Regulations 224 Names of 235 Physician-Acc Assist-ן Regulations 225 Names of 235 Physiology Medical Dep Lectures 178 Fees 198 Hours of Attendance 200 Physiology Evening Class- Lectures 293 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Plumptre Prizes 114 Political Economy Morning Class- Instruction 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Political Economy Evening Class- Lectures 301 Fees 805 Hours of Attendance 307 Practical Chemistry Morn Classes- Instruction 14C 181 Fees 15rt 198 Hours of Attendance 18 200 Practical Chemistry Evening Class- Instruction 291 Fees 315 Hours of Attendance 307 Practical Physics- Instruction 133 Fees 156 Hours 158 Prelim Arts Exam Med Dep 196 Principals Names of 23 Principal and Staff 20 page Principal's Prizes- College 113 School 367 Professorsand Masters Namesof- Theological Department 73 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 94 Dep of Applied Sciences 129 Medical Department 175 Evening Classes 268 The School 343 Professorships Endowed- Chinese Language 60 Economic Science Statistics 60 Proprietors List of 431 Public Reading Morning Class Fees 85 Hours of Attendance 86 Public Reading &c Evening Class- Lectures 301 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Public Health Theol Dep Fees 85 Residence of Students- In College 398 In Private Families 401 Pupilsof School 360 Sambrooke Registrarships- Endowment 61 Regulations 213 of Regi-trars 255 Duties 129 Sanscrit- Lectures 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Scholars Names of- Worsley Foundation 120 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 120 Inglis Foundation 120 Dep of the Applied Sciences 165 Warneford Foundation 232 Medical Department 'ί3 The School 377 Forest Foundation 378 Scholarships Regulations for- Worsley 110 Inglis Ill 363 Wameford 206 Daniel 211 Medical Department 114 Forest 364 The School 365
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