Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 572
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Page content
572 INDEX page Hindustani- Lectures 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 History Morning Claae- Lectures 99 Fees 107 Hours of Attendance 108 History Evening Class- Lectures 278 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Honorary Fellows 405 Honours gained by former Pupils- University of Oxford 412 University ot Cambridge 412 University of London 413 India Civil Servce 418 Indian Engineers 419 Hoods Theological Department 88 House Surgeons- Regulations 227 Names of 235 Hospital King's College- Staff 176 Officers and Committee IMS Fees for Students 198 Hours of Attendance 200 Hygiene- Lectures 184 Fees 198 Indian Law Courts- Lectures 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Ingiis Scholarships- Endowment 60 Rule Ill 36 Subjects 01 Exam π 11J S64 Names of Scholars 120 Italian Morning CUs Fees 107 Hours of Attendance Italian Evening Class- Lectures 279 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Jelf Prizes Endowment 61 Rules 160 218 366 Laboratory Chemical 192 Land Surveying and Levelling- Instruction Fees Hours of Attendance ag κ Latin MorningClass- Lectures 97 Fees 07 Hours 01' Attendance 10ft Latin Evening Class- Lectures 272 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Law Commercial Evening Course- Syllabus 284 Fe 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Law for India Civil Service- Lectures 116 Fees 118 Honrs of Attendance 119 Law fe Jurisprud Evening Class- Lectuies 303 Fees 305 Hours ot Attendance 307 Leathes Prize- Endowment 59 li 1k 04צ List of Prizemen 231 Legacies- List of 59 Form for 62 Leitner Pr ze 90 Library Medical 191 General 397 Literary Union 376 Logic Evening Course Lectures 300 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Mahonedau Law- Lectures 116 Fe 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Manufacturing Art Machinery- Lectures 136 Fees 57 Hours 01 Attendance 158 Marathi- Leciures 116 Fees 118 Hours Attendance 119 Marsden Library 59 Masters of Scuool Names of 343 139 157 158 Materia Medica- Lectures 179 Fees 198 Hours ui At Tendance 200
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