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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-569

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

INDEX page AM ATOMY- Lectures 177 Fees 198 Hours of Attendance 200 Annual Report 46 Apothecaries Society of 260 Applied Sciences Department- Objects 128 Professors' Names 129 Syllabus of Lectures 130 Regulations 15$ Fees 153 Hours of Attendance 158 Prizes and Certilicates 160 Associateship Rules for the 162 Library 164 Engineering Society 164 Museum ot George Hi 165 Scholars'Names 165 Prizemen for last year 166 Names of Students 173 Arabic- Lectures 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Arithmetic Evening Course- Lectures 282 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Army Medical Service 263 Arts of Construction- Lectures 135 Fees 157 Hours ol Attendance 158 Assistant House Physicians- Regulations 2'-'4 Names of 240 Assistant House Accoucheur- Regulations 226 Nam ss ot 24u Assistant House Surgeons- Regulations 228 Names of 240 Associates Privileges of 420 Names of 420 page Aesociateship Rules for the- Theological Department 87 Dep of Gen Lit Science 105 Dep οί Applied Sc ences 162 Medical Department 203 Evening Classes 313 School 362 Auditors 19 Benefactions List of 59 Bengali Lectures 116 Fees 118 Hours of Attendance 119 Bequest Form of 62 Books Use of in the School 359 Botany Med Dep Lectures 180 Fees 19 Hours of Attendance 200 Botany Evening Class- Lectures 295 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307 Boxes for Books Gowns &c 403 Calendar for 1870-1 Candidates for admission Theo- logical Department 90 Chapel Restoration Fund 65 Chemical Laboratory 'J' Chemistry Dep of App Sci lectures 143 Fees 156 Hours of Attendance 158 Chemistry Medical Dep Lectures 178 Fees 198 Hours ol Attendance 200 Chemistry Evening Couree- Lectures 288 Fees 305 Hours of Attendance 307
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