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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-561

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 561 -fHatma iHrtftca Give an account of Glycerine including its value as remedial agent both externally applied and internally admi- nistered Name its officinal preparations State the source properties and therapeutic value of Veratria Describe Santonin its preparation characters action and uses as medicine Mention tbe doses in which it should be given VI -JSotanu Define the following cell-vessel-hair-stoma-spine -prickle-gland-epidermis Describe the internal structure of an acotykdonous or acrogenous stem What are the distinctive characters between roots and stems Define an Epiphyte and Parasite Describe the internal structure of both aerial and sub- mersed leaves What do you understand by determinate indeterminate and mixed inflorescences Define spike-umbel-capitulum -corymb-raceme-cyme Give the essential characters of the following natural orders Cruciferae Legumiuosae Rosaceae Composiue Scrophulariaceas-Orchidaceae JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS -&natorot Describe the distinctive characters of the first second and last ribs Describe the attachments of the lateral ligaments of the ankle-joint What are the actions of the sterno-mastoid muscles separately and together and what muscles are their direct antagonists Ν Ν
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