Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 56
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ANNUAL REPORT 55 It is with great regret that the Council advert to the loss which the School has sustained by the death of Haddon Esq who for upwards of 27 years as Senior Arithmetical Master in the School had won for himself the affection of his boys and the esteem of his colleagues and had devoted him- self energetically to his work They hear from the Head Master with pleasure that his successor Mr Thomas late Tutor and Mathematical Master at the South Wales Training College at Carmarthen has entered with great energy upon the work assigned to him During the year the Rev Carte and the Rev Rett have been promoted from the Lower School to the Modern Department while the Mastership of the Upper and Lower Fifth in the Classical Division hasj been entrusted to Cunningham Esq and Morris Esq the Rev Sparling and Brooksmith Esq have been appointed to Masterships in the Lower School The Lord Bishop of London was prevented through illness from holding his annual Confirmation in the Chapel The Lord Bishop of Salisbury however kindly took his place and seven students of the College and forty-three boys of the School were presented by the Principal and Head Master Many letters from parents testify to the value they set upon the administration of Confirmation in the Chapel and the religious instruction which the necessary preparation imparts to their sons The Council cannot but note with gratification and thankful- ness that at time when many schools have suffered much from fever and other diseases King's College School has enjoyed remarkable immunity from sickness and the absences from that cause have been surprisingly few The Council have much pleasure in announcing the con- version of the covered playground into an excellent Gymna- sium under the charge of Mr Vaux and assistants for the use at different times both of the College and the School The number of entries for it has been very large showing its need and value and the Head Master reports that it has
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