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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-551

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 551 The respect we pay Would payer be French in this sense Contrast also fastidious which occurs above with fas- tidieux "The game of honours Distinguish between Vhonueur and les honneurs and explain the motto Plus d'honneur que d'honneurs "None fall to their share Can aucun the equivalent of none ever be used thus in the plural Explain your answer Will you render he was great man by il itaitj" or c'etait &c" What rule is there to guide you Conspicuous among ihe many English mistakes of syntax or orthography in French expressions generally adopted in this country may be noticed the morale of troops double entendre and coute qui coute Correct and explain VIL- uti c-ffigmont Translate into English ecretcir 3φ a6e ben SSrief beg rafen Dliua tnteber ierf er gelegt 33erjeil bajj id euci baran erinnere Ser alte err etbient or alien anbern eine auSfuf rIid Hnroort 31 irotttet tljin felbft fdjreiben einip er Iie6t eudj mie ein ater ggniont 3d fomme nid baju Unb unter Dieieni 33eti afjten ifl mir bag cfyretben bag 33erbafjtejle macfyft metne anb ja gut nad fcf rei& in meinem Ulamen 3φ eraarte Dranien 3Φ fomme ηίφΐ ba$u unb 1riinfd te felfcfl bajj il auf feinc 33ebenfiici feiten rcag redjt 93eru igenbeg gefd rie6en iviirbe secretor agt mir ungefaljr eure STOeinung idj mitt bieQintreort φοη auffegen unb fte end ocrlegen efdjrieben foil fie roerben bap fte or eridjt fiir eure anb gelten fann δ 51 lb 3fl bit ntd tS roeiter iegegnet Serbinanb Sgmont fam mtt etnigen auf ben STOarft gerittenj voiv grujjten un8 er Ijatte ein rofyeS $ferb bag ictj
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