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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-550

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550 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Jusqu'aux plus hauts emplois de la magistrature II est tiche il repoit ses diners sont vantes II suffit Ses salons seront tres frequentes On verra s'y presser la bonne compagnie S'il court de mediants bruits c'est qu'on le calomnie Ponsard I'Honneur et VArgent Parse the last four lines of the second extract Write the five primitive tenses of the verbs suit-trahisse -s'ouvre-servi-repoit-suffit-verra-court Distinguish between depens which occurs in the fourth line and depense and also between toute autre chose eleventh line and tout autre chose Give the substantive that corresponds to each of these adjectives habile-servile-adroit-souple-empresse-fidelt -haut-riche-mediant Translate into French The respect we pay to wealth absorbs the respect we should pay to genius Literary men have not with us any fixed and settled position as men of letters In the great game of honours none fall to their share We may say truly with certain political economist We pay best first those who destroy us generals second those who cheat us politicians and quacks third those who amuse us singers and musicians and least of all those who instruct us am nothing here said one of the most eminent men of science this country ever pro- duced am forced to go abroad sometimes to preserve my self-esteem literary man with us is often forced to be proud of some- thing else than talent-proud of fortune of connexion or of birth-in order not to be looked down upon Byron would never have set coronet over his bed if he had not written poetry nor the fastidious Walpole have affected to disdain the author if he had not known that with certain circles authorship was thought to lower the gentleman Every one knows the anecdote of certain professor of chemistry who eulogizing Boyle thus con- eluded his panegyric He was great man very great man he was father of chemistry and brother to the Earl of Cork Bulwer England and the English
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