Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 482
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Page content
TRENCH GREEK TESTAMENT BRIZE What were the chief ecclesiastical changes which resulted from the Norman Conquest What were the ceremonies of Investiture and Homage By whom and on what ground was question raised as to homage in England and how was the matter settled What was St Anselm's part in promoting the doctrine of the Atonement How was it that this subject was not prominent in the early ages of the Church Translate Quemadmodum apud Judseos legem per se molestam aggra- vabant hominum constitutiones ita cavendum est etiam atque etiam ne Christi legem per se blandam et levem gravem et asperam reddant humanarum constitutionum ac dogmatum accessiones Quae sic primum ohrepunt tit vel tanquam pusilla negligantur vel pietatis specie commendata libenter amplectantur etiam homines pii magis quam providi Semel recepta paulatim glisc augesc tque donee in immensum aucta jam nolentes premant et obruant seu consuetudinis cujus violenta tyrannis est proesidio seu principum auctoritate quod temere receptura est in suum etr olumontum abutentium mordicusque retinen- tium Erasmus II Crenel CErttefe Testament -Crenel on tlje fHtrafleg The position of miracles in relation to the ordinary course of nature to the evidence of Christianity Compare the miracles of the Gospels with those of the Apocryphal Gospels of ecclesiastical legends State and briefly examine the six theories discussed in the chapter on "The Assaults on the Miracles
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