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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-480

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480 theological department On the subject of Works before Justification explain what are the two truths witnessed to both by experience and Holy Scripture and show how their reconcilement depends on our belief as to the extent of the efficacy of the Atonemeut and the work of grace Show by quotations in what portions of Holy Scripture the reality and sinlessness of our Lord's human nature are brought out with especial prominence How is His liability to temptation related to His sinlessness Examine carefully the passages of Holy Scripture which dwell in any fonn on "unpardonable sin or "sin unto death noting especially the character of the book and of the context in which each occurs State the history and meaning of the Romish dogma which especially militates against the declaration of Christ alone with- out sin How far is it connected with other points of the Romish system Analyse clearly Article XVII on "Predestination and Election and show how the cautions given in the second and third paragraphs practically determine tlie position which the doc- trines referred to occupy in the svstem of the Church of England Distinguish and illustrate the two uses of the word Election" in Scripture In what way does Scripture generally deal with the doctrines of Election and Freewill will the responsibility attaching to it Examine in detail the argument of Rom ix -xi especially chap ix 19-23 What is meant by the Augustinian Calvinistic and Arminian schemes of doctrine on this subject Give their history and state what general conclusion may be drawn from the examination of them IX -CrtcIcStaStical t'sStor1 Sketch the history of the Hussites after the Council of Constance Give the dates connected with the Council of Basel What were its chief acts What opinions are held in the Romaa Clmrch as to ils authority
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