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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-48

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annual report 47 -The Theological DEPARTMENThasslightlydiminished in numbers partly no doubt through the increase of Theo- logical Colleges in the country partly perhaps in consequence of the movement at the Universities for the admission of "Unattached Students But the Council believe that its efficiency is fully maintained During the past year an im- portant step has been taken by throwing open to the graduates of all British Universities the privilege of obtaining the Associateship in one year instead of two years on condition of passing at entrance the examination required of other students at the close of their first year This step has received the approbation of the two Archbishops and of the Bishop of London' and the Council believe that it will con- duce to the increased usefulness of the Department Some alterations have also been made in the general system of instruction tending to diminish the number of Lectures to systematize the Examinations more thoroughly and to allow more time for private reading In other respects the Depart- ment continues the career which has already given it so high place among the Theological Institutions of the country The number of its certificated Associates now amounts to 503 of whom 194 were placed in the First Class at the Final Examination It therefore contributes no inconsiderable and the Council trust no inefficient element to the ministry of the Church of England -Tbe Department of General Literature and Science remains in point of numbers much as at the time of the last Report The following Honours have been gained by Students during the past year Η Garrod Newdegate Prize Poem Oxford Arthur Goodwin 1st Class in Moderations in Classics Oxford Gwilliam 2d Class in Moderations in Mathematics Oxford Edward Gilmore Austen Exhibition at Magdalen Hall Oxford ί Arthur Green Exhibition at Magdalen Hall Oxford George Wood Open Scholarship at Trinity College Oxford Charles John Rolfe Bible Clerkship at All Souls Oxford ן Gristock Honourable Mention for the University eek Testament Prize Oxford
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