Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 476
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476 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Give an account of Hosea's life and the various ways in which the narrative of it is explained Mention parallel cases in prophetic history How do the writings of Hosea illustrate the Pentateuch and how are they recognised by the New Testament Give an analysis of Joel's prophecy What are the argu- ments for and against the reality of the locusts Sketch what is known of the life of Amos Show from internal evidence that the date of Obadiah cor- responds with his position in the Canon What is Sepharad Give the arguments for the historical credibility of the Book of Jonah Of what does his prayer give evidence What prophet is illustrated by the writings of Micah Discuss the relation of the two prophets to each other 10 What passages from Micah are quoted or referred to in the New Testament and by whom -C iMtiitanti SropijtttMi of tlje l& Cfitamtnt a$ rccogntiScil in ti flefo Trace in the later prophets beginning with Isaiah the gradual development of the thought that the Messiah would be both divine and human What historical facts were connected with the prediction of Isaiah vii 14 Examine it in its relation to them and compare it with ix Discuss tbe question who is meant by the servant of the Lord in Isaiah xl -lxvi What great prophecies from these chapters are cited in the Gospels Where else is the name referred to as Messianic What are the chief characteristics of the Messianic pro- phecies of Jeremiah Quote and examine the most remarkable of them What other prediction is ascribed to him Show from our Lord's teaching that He saw in the pro- phecies of Daniel revelation of Himself and of His kingdom What Messianic name had its origin in them What was its significance
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