Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 475
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 475 well which side of it he ought to close with But however right we are in theory it is plain that in practice we adhere to the wrong side of the question We make provisions for this life as though it were never to have an end and for the other life as though it were never to have beginning Ill-Sjtbrcfo Translate Gen xxv 27-end Explain grammatioal forms Translate Gen xxvi 13-end Explain as before Add the points to- ויהי רעב בארץ מלבד הרעב הראשון אשר היה בימי אברהם וילך יצהק אל אבימלך מלד פלשתים גררה וירא אלין יהרה ויאמר אל תרד מצרימה שבן בארץ אשר אמר אליך גור בארץ הזאת ואהיה עמך ואברכך כי לך ולזרעך אתן את כל הארצת האל והקמתי את השבועה אשר נשבעתי לאברהם אביך Translate into Hebrew "And will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven and will give unto thy seed all these countries and in thv seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because that Ahra- ham obeyed my voice and kept my charge my commandment my statutes and my laws IV ntrottuttton to IK Crsltamfitt What is the history of the Minor Prophets as book What variation exists in the order of them Give the period of IIosea's prophetic mission What kings and prophets were contemporary with him How does his era correspond with those of classical history
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