Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 474
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474 THEOLOGJCAL DEPARTMENT dem existimo tardiores ad hanc sententiam profitendiim mnltos esse factos quippe qunm poenam ne dnbitatio qnidem effugere potuisset Quid de sacrilegis quid de impiis perjurisque diceinus -Tubulus si Lucius unquam si Lupus aut Carbo aut Neptuni tilius ut ait Lucilius putasset esse deos tam perjurus aut tam impurus I'uissel Non est igitur tam explnrata ista ralio ad id quod vullis confirmandum quum videtnr Sed quia commune est hoc argil- mentum aliorum etiam philosophorum omittam hoc tempore ad vestra propria venire malo How is Tubulus spoken of elsewhere Gentem quidem nullam video neque tam humanam atque doctam neque tam immanem tamque barbaratn quae non signifi- cari ftiturn et quibusdam intelligi priedicique posse censeat Where does this come from Does it agree with the passage above Translate What innovation did Epicurus introduce into the Atomic theory and with what object What other instances of evasion does Cotta allege against Epicurus Give an analysis of chaps xvi -xx of the first Book of Cicero de Nat Deo II -Cranslate into Satt'ti lewd young fellow seeing an aged hermit go by him bare- foot "Father says he "you are in very miserable condition if there is not another world "True son said the hermi' "but what is thy condition if there is Man is creature designed for two different states of being or rather for two dif- ferent lives His first life is short and transient his second per- manent and lasting The question we are all concerned in is this ill which of these two lives it is our chief interest to make ourselves happy Or in other words whether we should endea- vour to secure to ourselves the pleasures and gratifications of life which is uncertain and precarious and at its utmost length of very inconsiderable duration or to secure to ourselves the plea- sures of life which is fixed and settled and will never end Every man upon the first hearing of this question knows very
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