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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-471

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471 EXAMINATION PAPERS geological Department ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Michaelmas Teiim 1869 -Scripture Stfstorp Mark the chief periods of Old Testament History and the books which belong to each Show how both in history and in prophecy the preparation for the coming of our Lord determined and limited the contents of the Old Testament Sketch aud characterize any one of the following periods Tlie period of the life of Moses The period of the Judges The history of the separate kingdom of Israel The decline and fall of the kingdom of Judah 'J Trace the connexion of the family or nation of Israel at various times with Egypt with Tyre and with Babylon Describe the life character mission and writings of any one of the four great Prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Give briefly the chief events in the life of our Lord from the Transfiguration to the Passion What Parables belong to this period Mark those recorded by each Evangelist
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