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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-465

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464 schools in union Sbtocfcfodl ropn'etarg Krammar Retool stockwell park road stockwell founded 1832 Patron His Grace the Archbishop op Canterbury Head Master Eev John Selby Watson Remenham Lodge St Martin's Road Stockwell Second Senior Mathematical Master Sutton Esq Third Master Mandell Esq Commercial Writing and Junior jjAIlI 8a Mathematical Master French Μaster German Master Drawing Master Warder and Drill Sergeant Mons BELLAQuET Paria Dr Fischel Whichelo Esq RffN1 Late Sergeant Royal Marine Artillery Tuition Fees On Proprietor's Nomination for Relatives only including Subscription to Scholarship Fund Guineas per annum On Committee's Nomination including Subscription to Scholarship Fund 16 Guineas per annum German and Drawing are extras the Fee for German is 21 2s and for Drawing including materials 31 3s per annum Boarders are received by the Head Master and occasionally by the other Masters The Year is divided into three Terms commencing respec- tively on the 1st January 1st May and 1st September Scholarship of 301 per annum tenable for three years at Oxford Cambridge Dublin Durham or King's College London is awarded annually for proficiency in Classics and Mathematics alternately Four Exhibitions of 51 per annum each two for Classical and two for Mathematical proficiency tenable in the School only are open for Competition as vacancies occur to Pupils who have been three years in the School and have reached the Fourth Form The Summer Vacation is from the last Thursday in July to the first Monday in September the Christmas Vacation from the 23d of December to the third Monday in January Public Examinations with Distribution of Prizes and Recitations take place invariably before the Summer Vacation HENRY GREY Secretary 12 St George's Villas Stochwell
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