Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 402
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RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS 401 RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS AND PUPILS IN PRIVATE FAMILIES The following Gentlemen ly permission of the Council receive Students not of the Medical Department into their Houses as Boarders Rev Cock 18 Rodney-street Pentonville Lecturer in Mathematics Castle Esq 21 Euston Square Professor of Surveying Rev Heywood 22 Bedford-place Russell-square Lec- turer in Classical Literature Μ Stievenard 58 Myddelton-square Lecturer in French John Shackleton Esq 20 Chalcot-crescent Regent's-park Senior Mathematical Master of the School Rev Drew Montpelier House Blackheath Professor of Mathematics Pierce Esq Terrace Villa Roehampton The following Gentlemen have permission to receive MEDICAL Students into their houses as Boarders under rules laid down by the Council for their guidance John Wood Esq 68 Wimpole-street Russell square Professor of Surgery Hyde Salter Esq Montague-street Russell-square Hensley Esq Ladbroke-gardens Nottiug Hill
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