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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-392

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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the school 391 Campbell Arthur Bedford Campbell John Roy Campbell Thomas Boyd Cantlon Louis Matthew Canton Walter Cappell Louis Carless Thomas James Carless Edward Downs Carnell Norman Carr Alfred Alexander Carruthers John Chandler Richard Chase Frederick Henry Chattaway Frederick Christopher Herbert St Clair Churchill John Circuitt Arthur John Circuitt William Harding Clarke Harry Searle Clayton Frederick Cochrane Henry Heath Coles Arthur Langdon Collymore Joseph Henry Collymore Robert Congreve George Thomas Cooper Arthur Ovington Cooper George Barrett Cosens Edward Arthur Cotton Charles Cotton William Courroux Edward Septimus Covington Stenton Thomas Coward Arthur Sabin Cowie Arthur Mordaunt Cowland John Andrew Cowland William Cowper Percy Cowper Richard Cowper Sydney Cox William John Craven Frederick Creaton Robert James Crisp William Henry Crompton James Henry Cubison Walter Charles Cullen William Cullen Walter Currie Claud Augustus Curry Thomas Elmitt Cursetjfie Rustomjee Curtis George William Dalton Arthur Edward Dahl Robert Abram Dale Brodrick Dams Charles Danford George Davies James Davis Edward Prosser Dax Evelyn Stanley Edw Day Edward Joseph Deacon Henry Wade Deacon Olave Deards John James De Pothonier Sidney St Ar- naud Marcilline De Souza Francisco Dickson Archibald William Dismore George Alfred Duder Edwin Dudgeon Alexander Durham William Campbell Earle Edward Moreland Earle Walter George Eaton Charles James Edger Joseph Stilling Edwards Thomas Richard
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