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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-333

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332 EVENING CLASSES ψύ- ΐ to t&e jfibe iflatrtrulatrt tu&ents fobo babe gaincD tbe bigbest aggregate number of Jilari's in all tbe Subjects respetttbcly brougbt up fu examination tbis year Jewesbury Frederick Noel Bio Chem Phy Min Zoal Walker Daniel Bio Phys Meek Min Arith Skegir Fred Chahoceau Biv Hist Phyy Zool Pol Be Soulsby William Jameson Biv French Com Hist Law Medburst John Thomas Bio French Phys Chem Arilh elf fttrtral giben to tbe Vtairtrulntttr twlrent fo Jjas tneiJ tfjts jprar tbe bigbest marfes in Bibinitg an& tfoo otijer subjects Palmer George $ri gt'bcn b11 Wk CFunntngbam sq to tjat one of tbe associates of tfje current pear tobo at examinations in tbe Jfifieen lasses fobicb tbe rules require to attenir bas gaineu tbe bt'gbest number of marks Skegg Frederick Chaboceau
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