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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-301

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800 evening classes 26 ZOOLOGY Lay and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The Lectures will embrace the Natural History of the various forms of animals dredged from the depths of the Ocean and will include the following subjects Limits of tbe Animal Creation-Structure and Im- portance of the RHIZOPODS-Foraminifera- Polycystin-s-Sponges &0 II Organization and diversified Forms of Ciliated Infu sorial Animalcules and their importance in the economy of Nature III The HYDROZOA or Hydriform Polyps Hydile CorynjE-Sea-Wreaths-Acaleph &c IV The Structure and Growth of CORALS-ANTHOZOA -Sea-gardens and Sea-flowers-Madrepores- Fungi -Actinia &c Natural History of Star-Fishes-Encrinites-Sea- Urchins-Sea-Cucumbers-Siphon Worms &c The Lectures will be illustrated by Microscopical prepara- tions exhibited under the Microscope by an extensive col- lection of Coloured Diagrams and original Drawings and by Specimens contained in the Museums of the College 27 LOGIC Bay and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to The Definition of Logic-Elementary Parts of Mental Science-Forms of Thought-Language in its relations to Thought-Theory of Predication-Division Definition Causa- tion-Kinds and Properties of Propositions-The Pure Syllo- gism-The Syllogism of Rhetoric-Induction-Circumstantial and Chain Evidence Hypothetical Reasoning-Fallacies- the Analysis of Compound Arguments Text Book Whately's Logic
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