Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 282
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EVENING CLASSES 281 The Lectures between October and Christmas will comprehend EMIGRATION FIELDS IN THE WEST Lectures -VI -CanAda -The newlyconstituted" Domi- nion "-Natural Features of the American Continent-The River St Lawrence-The Great Lakes-The Canadian Climate- Natural Resources of the St Lawrence Valley-The Lumber" Trade-The Pro- vinces of Ontario and Quebec-The Cities of Canada--New Brunswick and Nova Scotia &c VII -XII -The United States -The Atlantic Coast and the Alleghany Mountains-The Missis- sippi Valley-The Great River of the West -The North-Western States their Climate Industries and Resources-Coal-fields of the United States-The Prairie Region- The Rocky Mountains and whatliesbeyond -The Great Salt Lake-Mineral Regions of the Far West-The Sacramento Valley and the Golden Gateway "-New York and San Francisco-The Atlantic and Pacific Railway XIII -XIV -British Columbia -The Valley of the Fraser The Saskatchewan Valley Rupert Land- The Red River Settlement XV -XVL-The Plata Region -The Pampas-The Great Rivers of the Southern Hemisphere -Buenos Ayres and the Cities of the Argentine Confederacy Between January and March EMIGRATION FIELDS IN THE SOUTH -VIII -The Australian Colonies -The Great South Land and how to get there
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