Calendar: 1870-1871 Page 280
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Page content
EVENING classes 279 XXVI -XXX -George III The French Revolution and Continental Wars Napoleon Waterloo XXXI -George IV Corruption at Court and Development of the National Character Self-Government XXXII -Catholic Emancipation and Irish Troubles XXXIII -The Reform Bill and its Conse- quinces XXXIV -XXXVIII -The present Reign Commercial and Manufacturing Progress Gold Dis- coveries Change in the National Character Peace Luxury Reli- gion and Science Lahour and Capt- il Crime and Vice ITALIAN -Two Classes Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from 610 or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Lower Division Grammar Exercises Goldoni Commedie Pellico Le mie Prigioni Upper Division Grammar to Translation from English Composition and Italian Conversation Dante La Divina Commedia Machiavelli Le Istorie Florentine Foscolo Ultime Lettere di Ortis books recommended Vergani's Grammar Baretti'sor Millhouse's Dictionary
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