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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-279

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278 evening classes ju Each Student is free to choose for himself as Course of English the two weekly Lectures that supply him with the information he most wants Arrangements may be made in the Secretary's Office for attendance on double Course orat third Lecture in each week Students attending two Courses of English may compete for two of the English Prizes but as competitors for the prize for proficiency in five subjects they will be credited only with the marks earned in one English examination ENGLISH HISTORY Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to Lectures -VI -Recapitulation of former Course to the Death of Charles VII IX -Cromwell to the Restoration Χ -XII -Charles II to the Revolution XIII -XV -William III and his Policy at Home and Abrono XVI -XVIII -The Last of the Stuarts Wars of Marlborough State of Europe after the Peace of Utrecht The House of Hanover and the Protestant Sue- cession XIX -XXI -George and II The Jacobites Consolidation and Progress of the Power of England Walpole Clive Chatham XXII -Our Indian and Colonial Empires XXIII -XXV -George III American War
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