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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-277

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EVENING CLASSES Vi From the beginning of the Thirty Years' War to the reign of Friedrich der Grosze 1618-1740 Literature -Preponderance of Learning Spracli gesellschaften Dichterschulen Novels Satirical and Dramatic Poetry-Staatsactionen-Opern VII From the first Silesian War to the death of Frede rick the Great 1740-1786 Literature -The dawn of second Classical Period in German literature Gottsched and Bodmer-Leipziger und Hallescher Dichterbund Influence of Milton's genius in Germany VIII From the outbreak of the French Revolution to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire 1789-1806 Literature -Second Classical Period of German Literature as represented by Klopstock Lessing Wieland Herder Jean Paul Schiller and Goethe IX From 1806 to the establishment of the German Com federation in 1815 Literature -Romanti School Tieck Schlegel Patriotic poetry Kbrner Arndt Riickert Schwabische Dichterschule Uhland Schwab From 1815 to the formation of the Norddeutschen Bund in 1866 Literature -The most eminent Poets and Writers in the various branches of Literature Science and Philology from 1815 to our own times The Professor will receive Essays written in German on the subjects treated in the Lectures as well as rhumes of German books whiph will be recom- mended for private reading and return the worlj corrected tp the Students
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