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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1870-1871-182

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medical department 181 11 Comparative Anatomy and Physiology First Division of the Course -On the forms habits and gene- ral organization of the different classes composing the animal creation Second Division of the Course -Comparative Physiology This division qualifies for examination at the University of London The subject is illustrated by an extensive series of diagrams and by the preparations and specimens contained in the Museums of Anatomy Comparative Anatomy Zoology and Geology belonging to tbe College 12 Pathological Anatomy This Course consists of Twenty Lectures which are de- livered during tbe Summer Session The Lectures are illus- trated by diagrams specimens and microscopical preparations Students of tbe Second Third or Fourth Year attend tbe Lectures on Morbid Anatomy It is recommended that Students should examine the pathological series in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons with the aid of the catologue as well as the specimens in the King's College Museum 13 Practical Chemistry These Demonstrations commence with the Summer Session and terminate towards the end of July The instruction given is comprised in thirty lessons of two hours each and is so arranged that each Student performs the operations which are in most frequent use in the Laboratory for the purposes of analysis or research including the pro- cesses for detecting the chief mineral and vegetable poisons To facilitate tbe course ot study the Pupils are divided into groups Each Student pursues distinct plan of operations
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