Calendar: 1869-1870 Page 68
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6S THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Such Student shall attend all the lectures and pass all examinations and shall conform in all respects to the regula- tions of the College These conditions having been fulfilled the Principal shall be empowered to grant an official Certificate which may be exhibited for the satisfaction of that Bishop to whom the Student may apply to be admitted to Holy Orders RULES AS TO THE ADMISSION OP STUDENTS AND GENERAL RULES Students are admitted in October and January of each year but special arrangements can be made on application to the Principal for the admission of Students at Euster Entrance in October where possible is recommended Candidates for admission must be 21 years of age Seven days before the entrance examination they must send in to the Principal an application for admission stating their age and other circumstances and adding Certificate of good moral and religious character from the Clergyman of their parish or of the parish in which they have last resided as well as the names of one or more friends to whom the Candidate is well known as referees These requirements are set forth in printed form to be obtained from the Secretary Special notice must be given at the same time of candi dature for the Studentships see Section VIII Previously to Matriculation each Student must subscribe the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion as well as declaration that he will conform to all the rules and regulations of the College AU Students are required to attend the daily Morning Service in the College Chapel No Student may absent himself from any lecture unless the express permission of the Principal be first obtained except in cases of illness and then written notice must be sent to the Principal
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