Calendar: 1869-1870 Page 465
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 407 advance by it For tliough bis actions are never so glorious they lose their lustre when they are drawn at large and set to show by his own hand and as the world is more apt to find fault than to commend the boast will probably be censured when the great action that occasioned it is forgotten III -5 rf rriD Translate explaining the harder forms Gen xix 17-29 Translate Gen xx י Give other instances of the construe- ions in ver 13 Explain ver 16 Analyse the last word of it Add the points to ויאמרו גש-הלאה ויאמרו האחד בא לגור וישפט שפוט עתה גרע לך מהם ויפצרו באיש בלוט מאד ויגשו לשבר הדלת וישלחו האנשים את ידם ויביאו את לוט אליהם הביתה ואת הדלת סגרו Translate into Hebrew "And there came two angels to Sodom at even and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom and Lot seeing them rose up to meet thein and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said Behold now my Lords turn in pray you into vour servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet and ye shall rise up early and go on your ways IV ntroKuttton to I& CtStamnit What is the title given by the Jews to the Pentateuch as whole To what period can we trace the fivefold division of it State the more important reasons advanced by De Wette fot post-Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch Show very briefly that they are invalid
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