Calendar: 1869-1870 Page 208
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20 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT After these cases have been examined by the Physician or Surgeon they are to be certified by the Dean and may be published XI The expense of all books and papers necessary to carry out the objects and intentions herein expressed is to be paid for out of the surplus income arising from the Endowment Fund after payment of the salary payable to the two Regi- strars and in case there be at any time any surplus over 100 the same may be invested as convenient for increasing the Endowment Fund XII The appointmen of Registrars is vested in the Council of King's College London Candidates for these offices must send in their names ac- companied in the case of application for re-appointment by the Certificates named in Clause to the Secretary of the College before the 1st of November in each year and those elected Registrars must enter on their duties on the 1st of January following XIV JToIkgt cbolarsl tps Good Conduct regular attendance at Chapel on the Divinity and Medical Lectures and Examinations and on Clinical Lectures and Hospital Practice together with com- petent knowledge of such subjects in Divinity as shall be pre- viously fixed upon are indispensable for the admission of any Student or Pupil to be Candidate lor Scholarship in this College The condition of "regular attendance at Chapel" nil he dispensed with in the case of those who by reason of living at long distance from the College receive from the Principal formal exemption from such attendance but ue Student exempted on other grounds ill be eligible as Candidate II Every Scholarship is held subject to the condition laid down in Clause and subject to forfeiture for misconduct
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