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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1869-1870-202

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202 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT The Greek and Latin Classics -Homer Odyssey Bk Cicero De Amicitia and Pro Archia English Language and History -Shakespeare Merchant of Venice The Reign of Charles Mathematics -Arithmetic Algebra as far as and in- eluding Quadratic Equations Euclid Book Book II ex- cept Props 10 Book III The Modern Languages -French Ponsard Honneur et l'Argent Comedie en vers Erckmann-Chatrian Madame Therese ou les Volontiers de '92 German Goethe Egmont The days of Examination for 1869 are fixed as follows Tuesday September 28 ו ο tvTWT rv i11011110 eauh of the three aut jects 10 LllvlNtir with short intermissions Wednesday September 29 tn IUathfmattcs hour 10 each of the tl ree Slll to 1V1ATHEMAIILS ן jects with short intermissions to German Thursday September 30 to 11 Latin 12 to Greek to French Friday October to 11 History 12 to English All Candidates for these Scholarships must register their Cards of admission with the Dean before tbe first day of examination The subjects for Examination for the Scholarships to be given in October 1870 will be as follows Divinity -Old Testament History The Gospel of St John in Greek The Church Catechism with explanations
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